What's New, Halcyon? Halcyon WebAPI Release Notes: January 2023

Written by
Halcyon Customer Success
Published on
Jan 15, 2023

This document is a summary of additions, changes or enhancements made to the Halcyon WebAPI interface in the month of January 2023.

What's New:

No new API endpoints have been created for this release.

What’s Changed:

With the introduction of Role Based Access Control (RBAC), API functionality can be limited based on account role. Below you will see a matrix defining the permission sets for the various access levels, mapped to the available resources.  

It’s important to remember that the permissions below will be scoped to the role group. So, while a user with a role for tenant X with a ReadOnly access level has permission to view tenants, that is scoped to just tenant X - meaning listing tenants will only show that user tenant X.

Additionally, it is possible for additional criteria to need to be true in order for a user to actually have the ability to do something. For instance, just because a user is an Admin of their tenant doesn’t mean they can create subtenants. The tenant also has to be authorized to manage tenants first.

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