Versus the World

Why is Ransomware Still So Successful?

Ransomware attacks are highly profitable, and RaaS platforms allow anyone to become an extortionist. These attacks disrupt business operations, cost millions to recover from, and the loss of sensitive data is creating serious legal and regulatory liabilities for businesses of all kinds, C-level executives, and Boards of Directors.

EPP Alone is Not Enough

EPP solutions are resource heavy and offer limited protection against known ransomware variants. They do not perform well at detecting novel variants, and tend to produce a high volume of false positives. They also cannot detect non-binary TTPs like living-off-the-land, fileless, and advanced attack techniques.

EPP is easily bypassed by simply altering or repacking the ransomware

EPP can be blinded with common unhooking and bypass techniques

EPP cannot detect attack behaviors that precede ransomware delivery

Halcyon Anti-Ransomware Platform

At the core of the Halcyon Anti-Ransomware Platform is our unrivaled detection and conviction of commodity ransomware strains, detection and blocking of novel ransomware variants, and the ability to share threat context to additional layers in order to disrupt attacks in progress.

Kernel-level protection prevents bypass, blinding and unhooking

Amplifies indicators of attack and informs behavioral detection layers

Detects and blocks known and never seen ransomware

EDR/XDR Alone is Not Enough

Endpoint and Extended Detection and Response (EDR/XDR) solutions leverage AI/ML to detect malicious behaviors, but most models are complex, take time to train and focus on detecting malware. Ransomware behaves differently than other threats and requires micro-models specifically trained on ransomware. These controls are important but have their limits when it comes to preventing targeted ransomare campaigns.

EDR/XDR only detect known attack progressions and miss novel TTPs

EDR/XDR detections are still rules-based and resource-constrained

EDR/XDR are neutralized when cloud connectivity with the agent is lost

EDR/XDR solutions are reactive and most useful threat hunting or DFIR

Attackers constantly improve their ability to unhook or evade EDR/XDR

Attacking the Attackers

The Halcyon Anti-Ransomware Platform is designed to trigger hardcoded rules in ransomware tools that look for anti-analysis routines or virtual environments. This enables the amplification of behaviors to enhance detection and threat prevention.

Halcyon threat researchers constantly improve our engine based on ever-evolving RaaS group tactics, techniques and procedures.

Ransomware tools constantly examine environments to ensure they won't be caught by security controls. These signals are amplified by our agent.

Modern ransomware attacks can go from initial recon to full encryption in a matter of hours. Catching these scouting behaviors is critical.

Backups Alone Are Not Enough

Backups are necessary, but even in the cloud they can be encrypted in an attack and resources to test, manage and secure.  Relying on a potentially untested company-wide restoration from backups is not an ideal ransomware protection control.

Neither backups or insurance mitigate the impact from data exfiltration

Data backups also need to be protected against ransomware attacks

Insurance premiums are steadily increasing as coverage dwindles

Automated Resiliency

Halcyon is the first endpoint cybersecurity product to automate resiliency and mitigate the impact of a ransomware attack. If the Halcyon detection and prevention layers fail, Halcyon will capture the encryption key and autonomously decrypt impacted devices.

Halcyon is the only solution that provides autonomous decryption

Halcyon ensures EPP tools are protected from bypass techniques

Halcyon is the only solution with a built in fail-safe auto-resiliency

Insurance Alone is Not Enough

The increased risk of ransomware attacks in recent years had made cyber insurance appealing. But insurers are having a hard time quantifying ransomware risk and no longer cover all losses from attacks by default. Those that do offer ransomware-specific coverage require policy holders to add ransomware defenses to their security plan.

Ransomware coverage may not be available from your provider

Policies do not cover damage to brand or liability from lost data

Policies will only cover a fraction of the cost of full remediation

Halcyon provides multi-layer protection

Halcyon multi-layer protection is enhanced by proprietary endpoint resiliency capabilities specifically designed to minimize operational disruptions from ransomware attacks, reducing the potential impact and risk of successful attacks, which can ultimately lead to lower insurance premiums.

Policy compliance requires rigorous security audits at renewal

Policy coverage can be nullified by security configuration errors

Cyber insurance does not cover data loss liabilities from exfiltration

See How Halcyon Ends Ransomware

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