What's New, Halcyon? Halcyon WebUI Update Release Notes: December 2022

Written by
Halcyon Customer Success
Published on
Dec 29, 2022

Halcyon is pleased to announce that the WebUI will receive an update on 12/29/2022.

What's New:

Devices Page:

  • Ability to sort devices by Device Name, Registered Date, OS, Agent Version, Last Heartbeat  
  • Ability to search and filter devices by Device Name, Tag, OS, Agent Version

Events Page:

  • Ability to sort events by Event Name, Occurrence Date, First Occurrence Date, Device Name, Action Type  
  • Ability to search and filter events by Device Name, Event Name, Event Subject  

Device & Event Search Guide:

Search operators, configurations and examples are provided below for reference.

  • Operators: When using an operator in a search field, enclose the search term in quotes "". Example: "DESKTOP-COMPUTER" + "File Unblocked" will return results that contain the full values DESKTOP-COMPUTER and File Unblocked
  • + – AND operator. Example: File + Unblocked will return results that contain both values File and Unblocked
  • | – OR operator. Example: File | Unblocked will return results that contain either the value File or Unblocked
  • (...) – PRECEDENCE operator. Example: File | (Unblocked + Test) will return results that either the value File or both the values File and Unblocked
  • - – NEGATE operator. Example: -File will return results that do not include the value File
  • * – WILDCARD operator. Example: Unblo* will returns results that contain a value that begins with Unbloc

(Wildcard operator is only valid when used at the end of the term)

Field Specific Search:

Field specific searches can only be performed using a single field at a time using the available field options provided when clicking into the search bar. If filtering is attempted using multiple words, the search query will treat the request as an OR operation between each work. For example, a query of name:"foo bar" will return results with either foo or bar in the name.

If searching is performed without specifying a field option, a search will be performed across all fields in a device or event. Results are returned in order by OpenSearch’s default scoring system.

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